
Welcome to the Radical Repair Workshop, a traveling art project by artist Julia Gartrell. The Radical Repair Workshop explores contemporary relationships to repair through a sculptural lens. Housed in a vintage camper named Sonny (pictured below), the Radical Repair Workshop contains a studio, gallery, and workshop space.

Sonny, the camper in which the Radical Repair Workshop is housed.

For dates of upcoming Radical Repair Workshops, please see the Calendar section.

For more information on Julia, Sonny, and the Radical Repair Workshop, please check out the About tab. Thanks for visiting!


Welcome to the Radical Repair Workshop!

For information about the Radical Repair Workshop, click here

For information about Sonny the Camper, click here

For information about artist Julia Gartrell, click here

Radical Repair Workshop items waiting to be assessed. Find out more here.
This is Sonny, the 1966 Frolic camper that houses the Radical Repair Workshop. This is a picture of her during renovations. More info on that on the About Sonny page!
Julia at work at the Rubenstein Art Center at Duke University (more about that residency in this link)


Hol(e)y Tees

In February, the Radical Repair Workshop had the opportunity to host an indoor show at Supergraphic, an artist-run warehouse space in Durham, NC. I took it as an opportunity to reach out to friends and borrow their holiest (holey-ist) teeshirts to put on display. Each participant also filled out a brief questionnaire. The show turned …